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LABA - Caution required!

August 1, 2008

LABA has been used extensively in the management of asthma and all guidelines include this drug in the long term management. Safety of LBA has been uder scrutiny over the last 5 years and controversy continues. New meta-analysis (Annals of Internal Medicine) of LABA's + ICS vs. ICS alone. It's taken from the GSK database, and finds the significant increase risk to the addition of Salmeterol to ICS with regards to mortality, asthma hospitalization, or asthma exacerbation.

Contradicts the findings from the Salpeter meta-analysis and from SMART (which I did not think were very compelling to begin with). So, any thoughts? Does this affect management of patients with asthma? Read the editorial too..

A word of caution:-
Ultimately, nearly all drugs have therapeutic windows within which physicians and patients must function. Like insulin and oral anticoagulation, long-acting β-agonists have a particularly narrow therapeutic window. They deserve the same caution and meticulous attention to detail that physicians expect of themselves when they prescribe potentially harmful drugs.