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New Diabetic guideline for Canada

September 26, 2008

The Canadian Diabetes Association has released new clinical practice guidelines to emphasise the importance of early identification of risk factors in the prediabetes stage in order to prevent the onset of diabetes and the aggressive management of those risk factors in order to prevent the serious complications associated with the disease.
Select Recommendations
· Early identification and treatment of risk factors for diabetes-related complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney, and eye disease is essential through proper disease management to avoid serious complications.
· The Guidelines are now recommending that people with diabetes who are at risk for developing heart disease be aggressively treated to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to <=2 mmol/L. This lower level, in combination with strict blood pressure control, is proven to help substantially reduce heart disease and stroke. · People with diabetes are encouraged to perform resistance exercises in addition to moderate to vigorous aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking. · Adults with diabetes should consume no more than 7% of total daily energy from saturated fat and should limit intake of trans fatty acids to a minimum..
Full guideline is avialble as PDF format at CDA site..

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