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Headache and vomiting in a 32 year old woman- a case study

May 8, 2008

A 33-year-old woman presents to the ED with a severe headache, associated vomiting, blurred vision, and weakness in her left leg. She states that it is the worst headache of her life, and it is worsening despite her use of acetaminophen. She has a 4-year history of oral contraceptive use. Her pupils show a slightly sluggish reaction to light, and bilateral papilledema is noted on the funduscopic examination. A magnetic resonance venogram (MRV) is taken. What is the diagnosis?
eMedicine Case Presentations


Anonymous said...

is the risk of CVT related to duration of OCP use?

arif said...

No. other inheritable thrombophilic states might predispose to CVT